Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chapter 8 and 9

It seems as if after being lucky, the repercussions happen. Brian woke to something threatening. He thought of all the mythical creatures but settled for a snake or something. He waited then threw his hatchet when he felt a presence. it hit the wall and made sparks but missed the intruder. Pain surged threw his leg and the intruder left threw the door leaving Brian. He picked out the 4 spikes that could only come from a porcupine. He once again fell in self pity and started to cry, he couldn't handle it anymore. Once he was done he looked out and saw the sky turn a reddish color. Then an idea hit him, the hatchet made a spark hit the wall. The hatchet. The hatchet was the key to fire. He grabbed dried grass and twigs but neither of those worked, not even his 20 dollar bill. He looked around and finally found some bark on a tree that was coming off. He grabbed a bunch of it and went back. the sparks would catch but not on fire. He finally realized the last ingredient, he needed air. the first time he tried he blew to hard and the sparks went out, and then next time he blew just the right amount for the fire. He sudden;y realized that the fire needed more fuel, it was burning fast.He grabbed pine cones and twigs and was finally satisfied when the giant piece of wood caught on fire. He had made a friend, fire. Not only a friend, but a guard that would stop intruders. He was also satisfied with how the heat was kept in the shelter-rock. Amazing how Brian finally figured it out. I'm so excited to see what other tricks the Hatchet can do. Now that he has a fire and berries, he'll have the necessities of life, food,water, shelter and if your in the wilderness, fire. Under i have found a link to a boy who survived a meteorite straight to him. this reminds me of Brian because they both had to go through so much pain, but Brian is much more long lived.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Boy survived space meteorite ><<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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