Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chapter 4 and 5

Brian is alive, but can't grasp what just happened. He is in total shock about everything, the pilot, the crash...the secret. In the morning when the sun is rising he wakes and starts getting attacked by mosquitoes and other little black flies that bite him to no end. He only has his torn windbreaker that doesn't help so by the time the the sun is high in the sky and the bugs disappear he is bit all over the face and arms leaving an itchy feeling ans swollen spots. He suddenly thinks of the  movies and how they never showed this part, getting bit, but then again the don't really have a 13 year old boy stranded with nothing either. He sat by a tree and noticed how beautiful the scenery was here where everything is green and blue here he is used to the grey and black of the city. Here he sat and just compared and contrasted the city to this then fell asleep again. A couple hours later he abruptly woke up from none other than thirst. Not just a small parch he was going to die without it. He went down the the L-shaped lake and started drinking, even though it didn't look like the beautiful springs in the movies. After his large gulps he threw up most of it but his quench for water was gone. he started thinking about who would start searching for him. His parents of course and they would search for him until the end of the world, so they will probably find him by the night if not the next day he was sure, but then a memory came up again of right before the pilot died, while he was having the attack, he pushed down on the right pedal a little which could have only changed the course a little but because of the the speed and distance the plane went he suddenly thought he could be way off course and they wouldn't find him for days. Then the hunger hit. sure he had water but that didn't stop the hunger from taking over. then he thought about the movies, by now the hero would have found an edible plant or make a cute animal trap and cook it over a fire. of course this wasn't the movies so he did not have this luxury.All that came to his mind was his English teacher Perpich. He would have said to stay positive and stay on top of things. Brian wondered how to do that but then his teacher also said to get motivated.He looked through his pockets but didn't find anything so he went to look for food. He kept thinking of a nice luscious hamburger and fries but it only made his hunger worse. Then he thought about what he'd do at night. there could be wolves and bears here maybe even watching him so he's have to make a shelter. He touched his hatchet, it was the only weapon he had but at least he had it. I noticed how Brian always compared his situation to the movies but then again who hasn't? I think that it's good that Brian is listening to his old English teacher and is staying positive and getting motivated. For example he now knows that they probably won't be here for a few days so goes and starts searching for a shelter. On the bottom, there is a link to a story of someone who had survived in the woods and had to scavenge for things like Brian.  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>True Survival Stories<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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